Thursday, December 4, 2008

Excercise Democracy? When?

Merry Christmas!

... Merry Christmas??? ... The young father of a neighbor died a few days ago of cancer. I wonder if he is one of the statistics of the couple of HUNDRED real people who DIE EACH DAY UNNECESSARILY in the United States simply because we have such poor health care performance compared to other industrialized countries.

In the past 13-14 months, even though over half of Americans support non-profit single-payer national health insurance, Americans have made zero progress in getting it.

There is something seriously wrong. We STILL need have the need to exercise our democracy.

A "Prepare for Change" strategy involves single-payer activists
1) educating citizens,
2) getting some of the educated to be participants by getting reminders to communicate to their U.S. Representatives,
3) getting some of the educated to tell 3 other persons,
4) giving a short training session to those citizens who wish to themselves become activists so that they are prepared to tell more than 3 other citizens.

--- NOTE that this strategy mainly requires time and effort; there are NO requests for activists or citizens to send money to a state or national organization, and there is NO need to spend money on brochures, posters, and so on. Anyone can do this no-budget, low-expense grassroots strategy. [Those activists who go to multiple cities will need to cover their own personal expenses, such as for transportation and phone calls.]

The "Prepare for Change" strategy is required, because people are naturally concerned about change. Even people who know that they care have been too readily influenced by those organizations and individuals who have spent and are still spending literally hundreds of millions of dollars to oppose what EVERY other industrialized nation in the world has had for many years ... with BETTER health of citizens and with citizens having PEACE of MIND!

The influence of money and propaganda has caused people (who know in their heart that we need non-profit financing of health care) to have their opinions swayed when it comes to key moments ... like voting on ballot issues (Oregon, California, and probably others).

We are at a MOST CRITICAL time. If we do not act NOW then 2010 will see the FURTHER dismantling of Medicare. The U.S. Congress in 2003 established the plan that in 2010 Medicare will go MORE to privatization! This is the WRONG direction!

It is time to exercise Our Representative Democracy.
We must have thousands of participants in EVERY U.S. Congressional District.

The choice is simple. Either we follow a "Prepare for Change" strategy or we continue to have zero progress.